Despite having 6 siblings from parents that are still married, I am more like the only child of a single parent

10 years and 10 months to the day. That is the amount of distance between me and my closest sibling. I am the baby of 7 children. My mother had 5 children within 6 years.  The oldest of the Bastian children, Jack, is my half brother from my father’s first marriage.

When my parents told my brothers and sisters that my mother was pregnant with me, the laughed. They all thought that my parents were joking. After all my oldest brother had just turned 22. And as if that wasn’t strange enough, he had a 3 year old daughter.

Growing up I had a happy childhood. I have no real complaints (and if you ask a couple of my siblings they would say I better not complain and recall what a spoiled brat I was). I was rather spoiled. I was the picture of the spoiled baby of a family. Always getting my way and doing things they were not only  never allowed to do but also that they would have been strictly punished for.

As happy as my childhood was, there has always been one thing missing, something I longed for desperately. A deep and unwavering bond with one of my brothers or sisters. I watched them do things together that I was always too young to do and none of them wanted to drag along their bratty little sister. I watched them become adults and leave the nest, leaving me alone. I became a very rebellious teenager and I got “the speech” from them all, but ignored it because “they didn’t know me” and like ever other teenager on the planet I knew everything. All you ever had to do was ask.

They all grew up in a very different household than I did. By the time I was about 5 all but one of them had moved out. They grew up with a stay at home mother and a father who was in the Air Force. I grew up with a mom that worked and a dad who once he retired from the Air Force went on to work in the trucking industry. They grew up with their father being the leader of the family while the father I grew up was not a constant figure in my life because he was gone a lot at work, and my mother that ran things. They were shuffled from airbase to airbase, living in places that vary from Louisiana to Germany. The house I grew up in my parents purchased 3 years before I was born, and we never moved.

I got to hear stories of their adventures. Kathy almost downing in a creek after my brothers had dammed it up while playing with the G.I. Joe’s. The boys going out to play in Louisiana and my mother looking out to see that while playing they had caught snakes and skinned them, only after which they learned the snakes were highly venomous water moccasins. The time in Den Haag Holland when my father removed fish hooks from a baby porcupine while the family was camping. Or when my father was chased up onto an air conditioning unit by an armadillo that had found its way into their backyard in Louisiana. All things I wasn’t around to witness. All things I was constantly jealous of because I was not part of those memories.

When I was fairly young there was a falling out between my oldest brother Jack and my father, the details of which even now at age 36 I am not entirely privy to. For the majority of my childhood Jack and the family did not speak. When I was 14 and at the beginning of my angst ridden teen years, I sought Jack out. I found out he was working at a local shelter for runaway children and “push outs”, the term for children whose parents had kicked them out. I so desperately wanted that bond, that connection that my brothers and sisters had that I ran away. I knew where I was going. I was going to get a brother. I just knew that once we met it would be like we had never been apart. I was his baby sister after all and I knew that he must have pined over me for all these years. I just KNEW he wanted to have me as a major part of his life. And while he did welcome me with open arms, there was one thing I didn’t factor in. Time had not stood still for my brother since I had last seen him. Jack was now 36, and while I know he loved me because I was his sister, that same nasty roadblock popped up. The age gap was huge. We were not going to hang out. I was a teenager and he was a grown up. During those years apart there is little doubt that he might have missed me, but in my dramatic teenage girl mind I had certainly misjudged my importance in his life. Never the less I was determined to get what I had come for.

My relationsip with Jack has been strange to say the least. After our first meeting I clung to him, desperate to build a connection. I was re-introduced to his wife, Sandy. Jack was always an odd man. He had been 18 the day he arrived in the states. He had made his way to New york, where he called my grandmother Bastian, who was the only number he had. She then called my parents and said that Jack was in New York, and she was sending him the money to fly to Ohio. She told my parents that Jack would be staying in Marion with her and my great aunt. My mother told my father no, he was coming to Dayton. That Jack was his son, and this is where he should be. My other siblings did not even know he existed. How my siblings were made aware that they had a brother from my father’s previous marriage was at dinner time the night he arrived. My parents sat the others down and explained that they in fact had an older brother, and that they had to leave to pick him up at the airport. Upon arriving in Dayton, Jack had hair to his shoulders. Something Gene and Steve took notice of immediatly. As per my father’s orders, the boys were not permitted to have anything but a very short military type hair cut. Jack arrived and was thrown into the mix. The rumors I have been told was that there was a noticable rift between Jack and my brother Gene, because before Jack entered the picture Gene was the oldest child. Being ousted from that seat must have been difficult, and it created tension between the two. I do not know the details of everything that happened, so I only have the whispers shared by my mother and other siblings to go by.

Fast forward 20 years. Today I have a decent relationship with my oldest brother. We speak occasionally by phone and about once every other year I will get a wild hair up my butt and just drop by to see him. He only lives about 45 minutes away. Things between us have always been good, just never “close” per say. Every conversation centers around my father and the fact that Jack does not feel as though my father ever cared for him. As unfortunate as it is, that is the biggest bond Jack and I share.  I wish i could say that the brother i sought out was found in Jack, but hurt feelings about our father and the rift between Jack and the others always seemed to stand squarely in the way of us ever being very close. And Jack’s own feelings of not belonging, my father never being proud of him, and in general the two of them never being close.

Prior to coming to the states Jack had a daughter, Teresa. She is three years older than me. I met her for the first time when I was 15, and instantly I was mezmerized. She was loud, opinionated, and cooler than words can describe. Even now, i see her through rose colored glasses. She stayed with Jack and Sandy for a short time and then returned to England. She then met and fell in love with Michelle, who to date she has been with for 15 years. Now she lives in Luxemburg with Michelle and their pluthora of cats. We remain in contact and hopefully by this time next year she will visit.

My oldest full blown sibling is Gene. He is about 5 years younger than Jack, which would have made him 17 when I was born. Gene joined the marines when I was 2. He married his high school sweetheart, Chris, and they pretty much immediately moved to Beaufort, South Carolina. One of my earliest memories is of sitting on my brother David’s shoulders as he walked around Gene and Chris’s home. I can vividly remember hearing “crunch, crunch, crunch” with every step he made. Once I got a little older I asked about the sound. It happened to be Fiddler crab mating season in South Carolina when we went to visit and because my brother Gene lived so close to the ocean his home was surrounded by thousands of them.  The sound I so distinctly remember was the tiny crabs under my brothers big boots. I was on his shoulders so the crabs wouldn’t “get” me. After Beaufort Gene and Chris moved a number of times. For a brief period Chris and their two children, Joe and Jenny, moved back to Ohio while Gene was deployed to Iwakuni, Japan. Other than that their family never lived in Ohio again. My brother never truly had residence in Ohio after 1976. Needless to say my relationship with Gene was never truly one of brother and sister. Well not the brother sister relationship I have in my head at least. When I was in my teens he was little more than annoyed with me. I was as I said before quite angst ridden. Add to that spoiled and defiant. Again, we grew up in very different households. He was raised on military bases, and such behavior would never have been tolerated. More over, he just thought I needed whipped into shape. Or submission. I doubt he would disagree with either description. For the majority of my childhood Gene was based in California. And if you glance at a map, California and Ohio are on opposite ends of the country. A ironic metaphor for my relationship with my brother perhaps?

So in summary, Gene was gone before I really could ever form a relationship with him. Hell he was gone before I could form most words. Which I am sure if you asked him, is the way he preferred it. He ended up retiring from the Marine Corps (hoorah, Semper Fi do or die), and has moved a little closer to Ohio. Just close enough to visit for the holidays and some during the summer. But far enough away that when he has had enough of the family and the drama he can retreat back to his house with little fear that any of it will follow.

I just don’t understand…

I just don’t understand so many things…..

I don’t understand how you let these lies slip from your mouth so effortlessly,  ruin our lives, and pretend you didn’t do it. Or worse yet pretend we made you do it.

I don’t understand how you can look into the faces of these beautiful amazing creatures we created and not be willing to walk through fire for them.

I don’t understand why you feel the need to be the hurricane in my life, coming in, leaving mass destruction in your wake, and just as quickly be gone.

I don’t understand how you ever told me I was the only one, when you should have said I was simply one of many. And easily replaced.

I don’t understand how you can miss their first words, their first precious steps, the first days in kindergarten, middle school, high school, their first successful peddle on their bike with the wind on their smiling little faces, their first heart ache, and not want to throw yourself in front on a bus for it.

I don’t understand how you can blame anyone but yourself for the mistakes you have made.

I don’t understand how you could whisper such amazing loving things in my ear. And then her ear. And then her ear. And then her ear.

I don’t understand how my best was never good enough. How, no matter how I tried, you could always reduce my efforts to nothing, and make me feel like less than nothing.

I don’t understand how it doesn’t eat you alive to not be near us.

I don’t understand why it takes destroying the lives of so many to make you feel better about the shambles of your own life.

I don’t understand why you couldn’t just leave me be. Let me move on. Let me find happiness. Set me free from this gilded cage that you have forgotten upon your shelf.

I don’t understand how you can hear that tiny precious voice on the other end of the line asking you “Daddy when will you come see me”, and not rush to be here just to bask in how amazing she is.

I don’t understand how you can know our son hates you and not do anything and everything in you power to fix it. Not for you, but for him. So he can grow up to be a fulfilled man, instead of another kid from a broken home.

I don’t understand how you have no remorse for the pain you have caused us. All of us. The collective of broken bodies you discarded once you had taken everything us poor souls ever had to offer.

I don’t understand how you do not see that all I ever wanted was for you to be a better person, a better father, a better man.

I don’t understand how you deal with knowing you are not a good example to our daughters on what a man is like and the kind of man they should strive to be with.

I don’t understand how you deal with knowing you are the perfectly horrifying example to our son on what kind of man not to become.

I don’t understand how every word, every promise, over the last eighteen years could be a lie.

I don’t understand how you live with knowing the people who loved you most and through thick and thin are the people that you have hurt the most.

I don’t understand why you don’t care.

And more than anything I don’t understand why.

The kids are alright…

My kids are amazing creatures.

I have decided that I am going to take the advice of my dear sister-in-law Dawn and start writing about my adventures in parenting. More over the crazy antics my children get into, and my way of parenting them. Some times I succeed. Sometimes I fail. But as of now they are all still alive. So I guess I must be doing something right.

So I will be telling of our current escapades and also be telling stories of what we have gone through. And trust me, it has been an interesting journey. Lots of smiles and laughs, some tears, but every second was worth it. I haven’t done a lot in my life that I am proud of, but I am proud of them beyond measure. They are what I got right. And despite being a teenage mother, a single mom, and a little crazy, the kids have turned out just fine.

The kids are alright…

Oh how the mighty have fallen

And now begins picking myself up again.

I have figured some things out over the last handful of months. Some truly painful realizations. Some things that sat themselves right in front of me, screaming at me, begging me to just pay attention. For once. But I chose to turn a blind eye and pretend that things would eventually work themselves out. I would be fine, if only… If only I didn’t feel so alone.

I have not made the wisest choice when it came to love. I wish I could say I regret them. You have no idea how I wish I could say that. But I don’t. For all of the pain, the anger, the despair, there are almost as many amazing things. If I could only hold on to those. But I feel them slipping through my fingers like sand. Those memories almost feel as thought they aren’t mine to covet. They must belong to some one else. Because surely feelings like that would not fade. They would not leave me just as quickly as they came. They would not leave me battered and ashamed of the things I have done, the choices I have made, and worse disgusted by the person I shared them with. And there in lies the regret. I wasted so much on some one not worthy of what I am, what I have to offer, of how amazing I can be. And now when I look at this person, it just makes me ill. And so deeply saddened by what I can only guess is the truth of who they are. The truth that must have sat in front of me screaming at me, warning me of  just how exactly things were going to turn out.

And yet there is a part of me that truly feels sorry for him. It must be awful to be that diluted. To be so far beyond ones own self, that you only have a vague idea of what you are really about. He didn’t just fool me. He is fooling himself. And I think I have come to the conclusion that the revolving door of people in his life is because once people see him for who he is, he must get rid of them.

But now I get to have the good, right? That thought keeps me going every day. I know my patience will pay off and the amazing life I hang my hopes on is just around the corner. It is just waiting for me to catch up to it.

Giggle snort giggle

People are so amusing. It’s so funny the lengths they go to. I have gotten such a good laugh at just how stupid some of them are. Family. What a joke.

True blood started yesterday. Rockin my socks right off. Today I have been burning some for a certain some one. Well for me, but also so a certain some one can watch them and catch up. Yay for that! I think I might burn Weeds, Nurse Jackie and The United States of Tara too. Maybe. That’s a LOT to burn though.

I got my best friend back. And then some. But that’s all the explanation you get. The rest is for us to know. And I think I like it that way.

My father comes home tomorrow hopefully. It is sad, but I don’t know how I feel about that. It is almost as if it’s just going to be a waiting game now. I know that sounds callous and harsh, and it might make me a bad daughter even, but it is the way I feel.

My ex agreed to severe his parental rights. That might be the only kind thing he has ever done for my children. Oh and apparently he might be mobile now. Mind you he doesn’t have a license. Or insurance. And he is about 8 grand in debt to child support. But on some planet I am sure a motor cycle seemed like a good idea. *eyeroll*

Nashville isn’t close enough. I can’t wait!!

Where to begin…

Today has been, for lack of a better adjective, shit. So rather than sit here and wallow in my pain I thought I might just pour it out on the page and let it fester there. Allow my gift for verbage to flow from this jumbled disaster that inhabits my head out my fingers and through to the internet. I decided to start this blog because I thought it might help to vent some. I used to do have one on myspace, but since I never go there anymore, I figured I would start one here. At times I have found that getting my.. thoughts? feelings? ideas? you choose, out of my head can make me feel somewhat better. Some what. But there is always some other pesky emotion waiting just around the bend to take its place. But for at least a moment this mess can take up residence some place else, and I can possibly get some sense of peace, however short lived it may be.

As I type this I am sitting on my back patio, watching my 3 year old daughter play with the neighbor’s puppy through the fence, and listening to her sing a song that she is making up the words to as she goes along. She puts so much about life into perspective for me sometimes. I get so bogged down with being concerned about other people that I lose sight of what really matters.I want to sing a song, not care who is watching, not care if I have pitch or if I am in tune, just sing to be singing.

I lost my best friend. I wish I had the ability to turn certain emotions off like other people do. But alas, I cannot. I am just not wired that way. And to add insult to injury, I wear my heart on my sleeve. So I become a bumbling mess of raw emotion, and it is as though I can see the train coming, but I cannot seem to pull myself off the tracks.  I am not the person he wanted me to be, and he couldn’t be the person I needed him to be. I had one of my less than finer moments. But this time I am not going to be the one that says I am sorry. There is a Horrorpops song that is about perfect for describing my life right about now. I will post it and I will post the lyrics at the end of this blog.

This afternoon my father was taken to the ER with a 105 degree temp. He has a been host to many illnesses throughout the years. Most recently they said that he was in need of a triple bypass. But due to his poor health, his age, and his diabetes, he was not a candidate for the surgery. So a 105 fever to a healthy person is life threatening, to him it is, well, you get the picture. His laundry list of medical issues exacerbated the situation. I am awaiting a call from my mother to find out what the prognosis is. I do not expect it to be good. He might shock me. He has in the past.

So begins a new chapter in my life. I have some resolutions to make. That may very well be the next blog. I am done settling for what others are willing to give. Time for Veruca to rear her head.



Hit and run by love
But broken less than I ask for
Just another crease
Another bump to pass by,
a bruise to heal

I’ve gotten the
wouldn’t you rather be friends
I guess that could make sense
If we hadn’t kissed
If you hadn’t made me feel like I
could never be missed

Let on by love and crushed by love
Well, it’s nothing to cry for
I’m not the first to be lied to
A tainted heart, rancid lust
Never should, never said,
never felt

Everlasting love
Turned out to be nothing
Ha-it’s rather bleak-yeah
But I’ve been sucker punched
one hell of a lot.

Let on by love and crushed by lust
Well, it’s nothing to cry for
I’m not the first to be lied to
A tainted heart, rancid lust
Never should, never said,
never felt
Sorry for falling love
A one night off and I wanted more
But I never felt, never said,
never been, sorry.

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